A Schengen visa allows travelers to freely visit or move within the Schengen Area, which is comprised of 26 European countries that have abolished passport restrictions and other types of border controls at their mutual borders. The Schengen Area operates as a single jurisdiction for international travel purposes, with a common visa policy.

Schengen Visa services

Eiffel Tower, Paris France
Eiffel Tower, Paris France

Ahlar Consultancy provides great support in The process of obtaining a Schengen visa for citizens of Pakistan this typically involves the following steps:

Determine your purpose of travel: Before applying for a Schengen visa, you must determine the purpose of your trip, such as tourism, business, or visiting friends and family.

Choose the right embassy: Depending on your travel plans, you need to determine the main country you will be visiting and apply to the relevant embassy. If your trip does not have a main destination, you should apply at the embassy of the country through which you will enter the Schengen Area.

Gather required documents: The list of required documents may vary depending on the purpose of your trip and the specific requirements of the embassy. Generally, you will need to provide a valid passport, recent passport-sized photographs, proof of financial means, travel itinerary, and health insurance.

Complete the application form: You will need to complete the official Schengen visa application form and provide accurate information about your personal and travel details.

Schedule an interview: Some embassies may require you to attend an interview with a consular officer to discuss the details of your trip and to verify the information you have provided in your application.

Pay the visa fee: The visa fee for a Schengen visa is usually around 80 EUR.

Wait for a decision: After submitting your application, you can expect a decision within 15 to 30 days, although processing times may vary depending on the embassy.

aerial photo of concrete buildings near calm water
aerial photo of concrete buildings near calm water

Ahlar consultants can assist in obtaining a Schengen visa by providing expert guidance and assistance throughout the visa application process. We can help with the following:

Eligibility Assessment: We will assess your eligibility for a Schengen visa based on your personal and travel details and advise you on the best way to proceed with your application.

Documentation Assistance: We can gather all the necessary documents, including your passport, financial means, travel itinerary, and health insurance, and ensure that they meet the requirements of the relevant embassy.

Application Review: We will review your application form and supporting documents to make sure that they are complete, accurate, and in compliance with the visa requirements.

Preparation for Interview: If required, our professional consultant will prepare you for your visa interview, including advising on the types of questions that may be asked, and how to respond to them.

Follow-up and Monitoring: Ahlar consultants can monitor the status of your visa application and follow up with the embassy if necessary to ensure that your application is processed in a timely manner.

Appeal Assistance: If your visa application is denied, we can help you understand the reasons for the denial and provide guidance on the appeal process.

Ahlar consultancy can provide peace of mind and help simplify the process of obtaining a Schengen visa, by reducing the stress and uncertainty that can often accompany a visa application.

There are some common mistakes that applicants make in the Schengen visa application. Ahlar consultancy can help you avoid these mistakes and make your process error-free:

Incorrect Purpose of Travel: Providing incorrect or vague information about the purpose of your trip can result in the rejection of your visa application. It's important to be clear and specific about why you want to travel to the Schengen Area.

Incomplete Documentation: Submitting an incomplete or inadequate set of documents can result in the rejection of your visa application. It's important to make sure that you have gathered all the necessary documents and that they are up-to-date.

Inconsistent Information: Providing inconsistent or contradictory information in your application form, supporting documents, and interview can raise suspicion and result in the rejection of your visa application.

Unclear Travel Itinerary: Providing an unclear or unrealistic travel itinerary can result in the rejection of your visa application. It's important to have a detailed and feasible plan for your trip, including proof of accommodations and transportation arrangements.

Insufficient Financial Means: Failing to provide adequate proof of financial means can result in the rejection of your visa application. You need to demonstrate that you have enough funds to cover all your expenses while you're in the Schengen Area.

Lack of Health Insurance: Failing to provide proof of health insurance that covers the entire duration of your stay in the Schengen Area can result in the rejection of your visa application.Non-compliance with Interview Guidelines: Not following the interview guidelines, such as dressing appropriately, being on time, and answering questions truthfully and concisely, can result in the rejection of your visa application.

boat on river across building
boat on river across building

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